Broderie workshop Ituzaingo Cordoba Argentine

Suite à la rencontre d'un groupe de femmes, la proposition est faite d'apprendre le point de croix afin d'obtenir de l'argent destiné à l'entraide des familles de malades (aide aux transports vers l’hôpital, soutien aux familles...)





mali jo




Women of the district


Objects made

Cross point embroidered bag  


district Ituzaingo Anexo

 Cordoba Argentine

  • Asociación Civil Grupo De Madres De Barrio Ituzaingo Anexo.
    Resolución Nº 403 
    Serie: A/14


Facebook :



Our first meeting was in a public garden at Cordoba Capital.I explained to them that I wished to immediately join their project. The initial project in Malvinas Argentina didnt materialize due to unreliable contacts.This found me with a suitcase full of different material initially meant for children or women.This new project meant allowed me to help another group of people.Story books, games, drawing materials and baby rattles were given to an association called, "La Luciernaga" sarsfield, they give help to adolescent parents. They were very happy with this.Following this they hosted me and arranged to start other projects in their district :workshops, inter cultural exchanges with the college, and an embroidery workshop of course. Videos on climate change.I stayed in a district called ITUZAINGO, an area that’s protesting against Monsanto.I also protested with them to obtain rights for care for the victims from the use of chemicals and agro toxics close to their habitation.

Current fight


Photo taken to ministry of health to fight for medical treatment , relentless pursuit 

Creative workshop

Ecological school workshop

A video workshop on ecology and climate change at the college ~Heroes of Malvinas In the Admirante Broom de Córdoba following a full clean up of the school court and outs surroundings. I then gave a prize in front of their parents to the ones who picked up the most rubbish.Two years later and the students have done this workshop with success againWorkshop of inter cultural exchanges at the college in the Ituzaingo Anexo district regarding my experience of spending a year in Mali. I taught French to the street children, and lived in the poor area of Bamako. We organised a discussion on life in this country and spoke about the cultural differences and living conditions. Lots of Questions and a particularly interesting exchange was had.A warm reception from the directors team, all the students and teachers.

A video workshop on ecology and climate change at the college ~Heroes of Malvinas In the Admirante Broom de Córdoba following a full clean up of the school court and outside surroundings. I then gave a prize in front of their parents to the ones who picked up the most rubbish.Two years later and the students have done this workshop with success again.

Sale of embroidery 1

1st sale of bags in favour of the ITUZAINGO Anexo district .

The children and my dear friend Deborah were the volunteers of the day. A warm thank you to the boutique ~le marché fermier for their reception.

Sale 2

Thank so much for  Bio Béarn shop at Pau France